Nov 4, 2009

Xin chao, toi muon gioi thieu ban voi Viet nam!! Hello, I'd like to introduce you to Vietnam!!

The dude beside the shrine is the caretaker of a little Buddhist pagoda on the southern part of the Vietnamese coast. Note all the offerings of food, flowers and incense. These offerings are changed daily by the caretakers.
The town the pagoda is in, is called Phan Thiet(fan teet). Aside from the seaside attraction to tourists, this little village is known as a a place where Uncle Ho taught when he was a young man. Basically a town springs up anywhere Ho Chi Minh tied his shoes or sneezed!

In order to paint an accurate picture of Vietnam, I would like to appeal to your senses. Imagine, the city with constant sounds of honking horns, Asian music, and construction cranes...see falling down old buildings, next door to new ultra-luxury apartment buildings...then smell smoke, rain and cilantro.
It truly is a magical place with warm and vibrant people. I'd love to show it to all of you!!

Tan biet(goodbye) for now.

Saigon Patti over and out!!

I dare you to find harder working people anywhere in this world!!!

This is the outdoor market I go to every Saturday morning. I go once a week because I have a refrigerator. All fresh produce and meat. This is where the locals buy each day.

This is what a "developing country" looks like. Just like people, we don't all develop in the same way and at the same speed...hopefully!!

Our first 5K in HCMC. Over the Phu My bridge. We ran it with John's co-workers. We didn't get our times as there was no clock!

1. The beautiful view of the Saigon River from our apt. 2.The bridge that starts my morning run. 4. Just a few of my running buddies. Our new apt complex and the family car!

Haven't seen one restaurant in this city, large or small, formal or casual, without an offering to the gods. This offering I believe is to "father earth"... Note the cup of coffee.


Random bits of beauty along the side of the road or hwy!